Zambia Emmanuel Youth set up new plans

The committed youth of Emmanuel Church held a meeting on Sunday of 12th March 2018 after service and discussed plans, and vision to set up Goals for the youth at Emmanuel church.

There is a dream that the youth of Lusaka, Emmanuel Church is chasing after. This has made them very active and interactive as every Sunday they meet and discuss the youth ministry department. “We need to stand up as a team of young people and support the church where we can best offer our support”, said Isaiah. We are few but teamwork will be our strongest weapon”, Adina added.

“We need to work with a vision, besides the Church vision though it should help us help the Church achieve its vision”, Emmanuel added.

During the meeting each team member was assigned a department in Church to work with according to their abilities, Peter to head the Ushering team which has Walter as well as Isaiah, the Praise team that will join the praise and worship as well, they are determined a group of five people joining together.

Development in the youth department of Emmanuel Church Lusaka is moving smoothly by the grace and power of God.