Ndola Youth Prepare for Youth Sunday Service

Next Sunday 18th  March 2018 is a special day dedicated to youth of Revival Church, Ndola to serve in the whole Sunday Service session.

“With the fact that above 60% of the Church population is youth, their spiritual growth and maturity should be taken into consideration for they are the church elders of tomorrow’s church”, the Pastor stated.

Youth have been given this chance and opportunity and they are not taking it for granted, they are working tirelessly to prepare for this day as they want to make it colorful. “We desire this day to be a unique day, a day to remember not because of any bad image but for the effort we put in to make it colorful and graceful. As youth the way we worship should glorify our God, should be a little bit different from the way the elders does for we are still full of energy”, Gusto Musonda one of the youth interviewed said.

Youth are working hard to prepare Plays, Drama, Music (Songs), Bible quiz among other things as they awaited Sunday  to approach. With all hope this day will be colorful for the Revival Church youth and with the prayer that what they prepare touch the hearts of many.